Downunder Dishies Tag!
I am on the Downunder Dishies team for the dishrag tag swap. I received my parcel this morning from Olwen, who sadly doesnt have a blog. Thank you Olwen for the wonderful balls of cotton which I will be able to use to make more great dishrags. I also received the beautiful dishrag that she knit up for me. I really like the pattern on it. I will have to get used to the idea to use it for dishes, as all the ones I have made are for using in the bathroom, and the kids love using them. I also received 2 chocolate bars, and Olwen must have known that I love flakes (one of my faves). That wont last long in this house, trust me. After the wonderful package, I then sat down and decided which ball of cotton to knit up, and a pattern. It took me about 2 hours to knit my dishcloth and I kept losing count of which row I was up to, so I had to pull out about 8 rows in total. Very frustrating! I finally finished it just before packing up the box with some lovely goodies (no photo), and took it to the post office. It is now on its way to Tasmania. I hope it arrives safely and quickly too. I had a lot of fun today participating in the dishrag tag, and it ran so smoothly too.
I also just had to show you what my dad made for me. The above 'meat safe' is what they are traditionally called, and I have wanted one forever. My dad suggested that instead of paying over $200.00 for one at the shop I could pay for the materials and he would build it for me. No plan, just a drawing that he drew on paper and put together himself. I absolutely love it and was so pleased when it finally arrived last night. My dad always wanted to be a carpenter and used to make drawers and bookshelves for their home when we were younger. It just goes to show that if you love doing something you do it to perfection or at least try to. I have already lined up another project for him, Isabelle's larger bookcase as the small one is now overflowing with books. He is going to get Lachlan to help him make it, and Lachlan loves doing woodwork so it will be great for him to learn too. Well that's it for now as I have some knitting to finish off, one more sleeve and the collar to go on the Ribby Cardi. I will then need to buy a zipper and hopefully I will have another FO to show you by the weekend. I am also waiting on some yarn to arrive for a jumper I am knitting up for Lachlan. Nothing fancy, just a bit of ribbing and zippered neckline. Pictures of that though when I start it. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
oh aren't you lucky! I've been looking for a meatsafe in white !
lucky you and wish my dad was handy like that!
What a lucky duck you are! Handy Dad.
Flakes are a gift from the gods.
Your Dad did a great job! It looks wonderful!
Your dad did a brilliant job on the meatsafe. Is he thinking of going into business?
I have never heard on the Dishrag tag before. Is this something new? Can you post some information about it, I wouldn't mind meeting some other Australian knitters who love knitting as much as I do.
great job!
Wow, I love the meatsafe you dad made. It is beuatiful.
What are flakes. I am assuming it is a chocolate bar of some kind. I wonder what the american equivalent is.
The "meatsafe" is such a lovely gift from your father and it looks so professionally well done!
The meat safe is wonderful, how professional does it look and such a wonderful gift to you.
I'm so impressed with your dad's carpentry. What a beautiful meat safe. Looking forward to seeing the Ribby Cardi.
Ooh, I love your new "meat safe" and its true, those cabinets costs a lot. How nice to have a dad who'll make stuff for you! Very lucky! Maybe your dad could make you a new craft table?! :-)
Lucky you - a lovely Dad who creates fabulous furniture. Thanks for your comment and no I didn't make Daph's vest I bought it - I love it!
Hi Sue! Thank you for the box of dishrag tag goodies - the book of patterns was a lovely touch, and the kids are very impressed with the kitkats - I'm having to beat them off with my knitting needles :) I'm sending the box onwards today, and look forward to playing again next year!
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