Modelled Just For You
After a few of you wonderful ladies asked to see how the skirt looked being worn, I grabbed the skirt out of the ironing basket to give it a light press and here is the result. Trying to get a twirling photo is simply out of the question as the photo turns out too blurry, but as you can see it has a nice drape to it. Isabelle was a perfect model, and this is the photo she didnt know I had taken under the verandah with Bella the kitty. The skirt washed up nicely and kept its shape, after Isabelle had so nicely dropped icecream on it last week. Rushing in to tell me that some ice-cream had accidentally dropped on it, she had tried to wipe it off with a baby wipe. No babies, we just keep them on hand for little messes, although we did have a baby visitor on Saturday and being just 3 months old she is so delicate and petite and absolutely gorgeous. Isabelle and Lachlan fell in love with baby Jessica as you do with wee ones. Isabelle even held her whilst she was screaming, and didnt seem deterred at all. So cute! Oh well I have some housework to do, and some sewing up too and installing a zipper, so tomorrow I should have another FO and a new book to show you all. Happy knitting!
It is very cute on her!
Very cute model and cute cat!
Isabelle looks great in that skirt.
very nice!
thanks for posting the picture of Isabelle modeling the skirt - it looks great on her!
They both look great, Isabelle in the skirt and Bella looking over her shoulder to see her food being eaten.
The skirt looks like is the perfect lenght.
Aw! The skirt looks too cute on her!
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