This first photo is of my grandfather and his brothers and mum.
Left to right -
Jim, Frank, mum, Bill, Gordon and Ken. My pop was Gordon. There were 2 more brothers and a sister missing from that picture. She was a single mother in those days as my great grandfather left when my pop was 15 so they all had to look after one another. My grandmother was called Florence and she was aboriginal. It must have been very hard for her back then as my grandfather was a "white man" so it would have caused quite a scene in those days Im sure. They never did mention what happened to him as they never heard from him again, he just took off and disappeared into the blue horizon. I am sure my grandmother must have known that he was leaving though, otherwise you would think that something bad had happened wouldnt you. My mum has the same wavy hair that they all do too. Pity they didnt have a picture of their sister so I could have seen her too. It is nice to actually see a picture of my great grandmother because mum and auntie Helen would always say she was aboriginal but never showed us any photos of what she looked like. Apparently mum's cousin tried to retrace the family tree back through her roots but didnt get very far, something to do with aboriginal customs or something along those lines which is quite sad I think. I would like to know more about my ancestors.

Top row - Ken, Frank, Bill, Jim
Bottom row - Dave, Gordon and Max.
I have met Ken and Max, about 14 years ago now. They both still live in Sydney. I might have to get my mum to give them a call and tell them what team they played footy for wont I, it might be easier than trying to guess. Okay enough family history for one day, perhaps another day I will show some more.
Towards the end of the week I will show you my knitting in progress that I started last night for Isabelle with my new Harmony yarn. It is knitting up beautifully and I love the Sublime pattern too.
So nice that your aunt was able to share these! Isn't it fun to see if you can pick out which members of the younger generation resemble the older ones?
How very interesting -- and amazing that all those brothers would be close enough in age to play on the same team. Were there any twins among them? Genealogy is a fabulous hobby!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful family history!
What an interesting history. And how wonderful to have a few photos to treasure.
thanks for sharing piccies of your family.
i always find that sort of thing interesting. such a large family it was too.
my mothers side of the family tree has been doccumented in fact there is a MASSIVE book called the French/Badcock book. but my fathers side is still a mystery.
It's possible that black and white team were the Newtown Jets which ceased to exist many years ago. I vaguely remember they may have been amalgamated with another team. This is League not AFL.
Oh Sue! What wonderful heritage to find. I must admit that the brothers/half a footie team, are amazing.
Cheers Gillian
How interesting Sue, you sure do have an amazing past waiting to be uncovered...
Love the washcloths that you've been making of late, just gorgeous and I'm sure your swap partner will just love which ever one you decide to send her..
Take Care
Jodie :)
How exciting! I still love looking at your lovely crafts. Hope you are having a great Spring?
Is Halloween just an American thingy???
Have a great day!
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