Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2009 - Fo No. 33

A little pair of mittens for a 1 year old's xmas pressie.
Pattern: Wee Mittens from Vintage for Modern Babies
Size: 1-3 years
Yarn: Whisper by Heirloom (acrylic but very soft)
Made on the 9th of November, only an hour or two of knitting and seaming.
The only problem I had with the pattern was for the top decreasing which was from 23 stitches down to 16 stitches. I kept ending up with an extra 2 stitches at the end so just did a k3tog at the end. It turned out just nicely so I did the same on the other mitten.
I am now halfway through knitting the Vintage Pixie Cap to go with the mittens so hopefully Miss Enja can wear them next winter since she is a petite little girl! I am sure her mum will love the fact she doesnt need to handwash them either. Okay off to do some work in the garden before it gets too hot (again). I really dislike this week of weather where we have been in the high 30's all week. Isabelle has her swimming lesson tonight so I asked Lachie to join us and they can both have a swim before and afterwards to cool off a bit. Should be fun for them.
Happy knitting!


Michele Saunders said...

Those are so cute! They remind me of a pair of mittens my grandmother knit my son when he was that small.

Lynne said...

Cute mittens though I can't imagine they'd be much use in Melbourne at the moment! LOL

Hilary said...

Oh, those are so cute it hurts!!

Anonymous said...

oooh they are such cute itty bitty mitties!!!

cant wait to see matching pixie hat!!

PlumStitches said...

very sweet. how is that book? i was eyeing it recently, but didn't buy it. the patterns are very sweet!

Kate said...

How funny, I clicked on your blog and the Play School dvd Pepper is watching started singing about the 3 little kittens that lost their mittens. Love those little blue ones.

Kate said...

Hello lovely Sue, I just saw your comment asking for the yoyo recipe and thought I'd answer you straight away. I wrote a blog about it here;
They really are the easiest thing ever. I hope you are having a great weekend.

Tami said...

The mittens are great, nice and toasty.

louise said...

sue - thank you for your candy love. i think i am quite addicted to making little felt goodies. all the fun and no calories!!!

Anonymous said...

what gorgeous little mittens!!!!

Rima said...

Very cute! Its amazing how small little kids hands are, right?

Jenny said...

How I envy you chicks with sticks! I can't knit to save my life. Not due to a lack of desire....just a lack of time to teach myself! It's going to be hot here today too. We're battening down the hatches for the worst of the midday heat and heading out to the pool in the afternoon too!

Anonymous said...

Cute mittens, lovely colour. Hope baby knows (feels) how precious they are and not fling them out of the buggy.