Tuesday, May 2, 2006

New Books

Good morning everyone. I feel so good this morning due to the fact that Isabelle slept in her own bed all night and did not wake up once. I feel re-energized. A good night's sleep will do that I think. Well first up is a picture of the new sock yarn that I bought for my mum for mother's day, along with the other color that I bought myself a few posts ago. I am hoping that she will like these as they are nice and soft.

Next up are the books that I bought. Debbie Bliss' Simply Family is a nice easy pattern book. Nothing too difficult in here. I especially love the parka which is the photo on the left. They also had a nice men's ribbed jacket, a baby blanket done in moss stitch, a baby jacket in garter stitch, a few jackets for women and another man's jumper. They are all nice and easy to do.

I especially like this ribbed jacket, although I would make it longer in length. No use having a spare tyre hanging out of where a flat tummy should be. I think this will be on my future project list. I also bought Vogue Knitting. The skirt on the cover looks gorgeous, but I don't think I have the figure to wear that. I didn't like a lot of the patterns in this however, although one was a crossover cardi in blue and green that looked quite nice.

Well onto some knitting progress. I finished up one sleeve of the Tea for Two sweater last night. Progress will be made today on sleeve 2 when Isabelle goes to her afternoon kindy class. I did all of my ironing yesterday, and my housework this morning so I will have 3 hours free time to myself today. Yippee! I did some more on Isabelle's sock, but she tried it on and said that it is too itchy. Opal yarn does seem to have a certain roughness to it. Maybe I will pull it back and make something for me, and knit up another pair in some Patonyle sock yarn that I have. Well it made good practice to knit up, so the next pair should be better, I hope. Hope you all have a good day and I will post when I have some further progress to show you all.


Knittacia said...

Thank you for the nice comments in my blog. I really like your blog and knitting, so I will keep on reading your blog.

KnitYoga said...

The sock yarn you bought is lovely. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the Tea for Two sweater. Hope you enjoy your three hours of knitting bliss! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.