Thursday, May 11, 2006

What A Lovely Visit

Well what a nice day I have had. First up I went to Bacchus Marsh to visit Gillian. She is so nice and easy to talk to, and I met her husband too. She showed me her beautiful stripey socks with yarn that she dyed herself. They are gorgeous. Maybe one day I can dye yarn, but I don't think of myself as that clever. I also bought some lemon butter from her which is delicious by the way, could not help myself and tried some already, and she also gave me a gift of her raspberry jam, which Isabelle loves and has already enjoyed in her sandwiches. She said it is delicious Gillian! When Gillian returns from England we will have a meet up and hopefully take some photos too. She said that she does not have a lot of knitting patterns, and I have 3 large plastic containers full of knitting books, so she should have fun looking through those. You would also never guess, but she lives right next door to Paul's Auntie Joy. I was telling her how Paul's aunt lives in the street that she said she lived in, and I said she worked at the local supermarket, and she said that she lived next door to her. How great is that. Maybe we were destined to meet and become friends!
Well after meeting Gillian, I came home and finished knitting the baby jacket and sewed it up. It only needs some buttons now, and will be tucked away until the baby arrives in August. I hope that my neighbour likes it. It is not very bright in these pictures, but the colors are much more vibrant in real life. I love knitting this jacket, it is the second one that I have done. I made one in pink last year, and my friend rang to say that a few people wanted one, but I think that it is a bit stressful when you have to knit on demand. I like to knit baby clothes as presents, as it is always an original gift and I hope that the recipient appreciates it.

Well I had better go and decide on the next project to finish, even though I would like to start something different, maybe another pair of socks. Gillian has inspired me to knit some more after seeing her gorgeous ones. Well bye until tomorrow.


Gillian said...

Oh Sue! It was lovely to meet you too and thankyou for saying such lovely things. I'm looking forward to a get together so much.
Glad you liked the jams etc. I sold about 50 jars in the end after a slow start.
I finished the beanie to go with the socks and have started on another pair to pack to knit when I get there.
Hope to do one more post before I leave on Saturday morning.
Cheers Gillian

Anonymous said...

It seems you had such a wonderful time meeting Gillian, how great!
Oh, and the baby sweater turned out so gorgeous, what a great job you did with it - I absolutely love the colors you used, and I'm sure it will be worn with pride and joy!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.