Thursday, August 17, 2006

Christmas Is Close

Karyn and I have decided to do a little Christmas swap. Since she lives in the States, I thought that I had better get started on her daughter Noelle's pressie. She is a bit taller than Isabelle and a bit older, so I will need to make this a bit longer. I know its not purple Karyn, but I hope that Noey likes this color too. I cant say what it is since it is a surprise but I thought I would post this so she knows what color it will be. I am hoping to get this done before the end of the month since September will be devoted to the CP Hoodie and my birthday is in there too, and in October I am planning to make a dinosaur jumper for my nephew who will be turning 3, so small is good and quick. I received my Rowan yarn yesterday, but when I try to photograph it it looks nothing like the color it should, so I might try tonight and see if I can get a better result. Well I had better get back to my knitting, so I can send this off in November, and by the way Samantha, I will be stopping by the post office tomorrow to mail your squares to you. Hope that you all have a lovely day knit, knit, knitting!


Noey D. said...

Ooooh! It looks gorgeous! I haven't shown it to Noey yet (she's still asleep) but I'm sure she'll love it!

Rhonda said...

That yarn looks wonderful,love the colour.