Conway Socks
I have finally taken a picture of the socks that I started last week. Can you make out the tiny twisted stitches along the sock. The flash seems to have brightened it up quite a bit hasnt it. I quite like this pattern, and it only consists of 4 rows. It is from the book Knitting On the Road by Nancy Bush, which I am sure all sock knitters know by now. I was going to take a picture yesterday but Paul took the camera with him as he and Isabelle went with the kindergarten for a trip to the big fire station in Sunshine. They teach the children how to do the pencil roll to put flames out on their clothes, dress up like small firemen/women and they also showed their new fire engine which goes up 37 metres into the sky. Paul said he loved it, not so much the noise of the children though. The children got to crawl through tunnels and sit in the fire truck and many more things there. I do have some photos but that will be for later. I was home with Lachlan as he was bashed up by a boy on Wednesday night at a computer place he goes to with his friends after school. We had to go to the school to report it, as the bully goes to the same school but is a year above Lachlan. Lachlan has a bruise under his chin, and his jaw has been aching, and his left side is a bit bruised. The doctor did say it would take a few days to go down, so Lachlan is taking some Nurofen for the anti-inflammatory effect. He is still home today, but is doing some homework. Monday is a curriculum day and Tuesday is Melbourne Cup Day, so he wont be back at school until Wednesday so hopefully his face will look and feel better by then. I was so angry when Lachlan told me that the kid had kicked him in the head, (that's what the bruise is from) that I felt like doing the same to the kid, not that I would but it is so frustrating having people pick on your children. I am waiting to hear from the police officer during the week to see what happened. Apparently they get a verbal warning from the Seargeant, but if he has any other prior complaints against him it will go on his record. I hope this makes him think twice before attacking somebody. I hope he does not do this to anybody else's child either. Well enough of my complaining, it just makes me feel better to write it down and get it out of my system. Also thank you for all your wonderful comments about the bag for my sister. I have tucked it away into my finished handknits box to wrap up later on. I hope you all have a wonderful day of knitting and crafting, and may your children be safe from bullies too.
I'm so sorry your son was attacked. I hope he heals really quickly. Best wishes.
Ouch. I hope your son heals quickly and that the boy who attacked him is punished. The bag in your previous post is awesome! I love it! :) Great sock too ... I can't wait to see a non-blurry picture. :)
Ugh...this is something I am not looking forward to...bullies...I hope the community supports Lachlan so that the bully knows he did something bad.
Oh no, I hope he is feeling a lot better soon and I hope going to school is not going to be stressful for him.
The socks start to look great, I look forward to seeing a clear photo.
I love fire engines, I'll be on the lookout for those photos too.
Poor kiddo. What a horrible thing for him to have to go through. I hope the kicker gets punished!
Hello Sue, I'm back and reading through my bloglinks while watching to see if I've won any money on The Cup.
I'm sorry to hear about Lachlan. This has really gone too far now and I'm so glad you are dealing with it through the police. So many families are reluctant to do so but it is the most effective way of having the matter treated as seriously as it should be. My experience as a year level co-ordinator also makes me say...
Make sure the school are treating it seriously too. Ask what is being done by them about the other boy and his family. Make sure that Lachlan wants to return to school before you send him back. Another day or two won't make any difference to his education and may make a lot of difference to his mental health and yours.
Call me if you want to. Love and cheers Gillian.
ps I didn't win anything
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