Yarn: 8 Ply pure new wool, about 8 balls
Started: September sometime, finished 18th October 2007
Size: 5 - 6 years
This is the second time that I have knit this cardigan, and I really love it. Considering the weather today is 19 and very cold and raining, I might be able to persuade Isabelle to wear it for a photo after school. I attached small heart buttons onto it, since the flower buttons that we bought were too big for the buttonholes. How frustrating. I really hope she likes this one as the pattern just pops in this yarn.
I love the stitch pattern on this sweater and the adorable heart-shaped buttons.
Gorgeous!! love the colour..
Cant wait to see it on Isabelle.
Hello Sue,
I'm back from Scotland and have really loved it all. Thankyou so much for keeping in touch. You are really wonderful as a friend even from so far away. Lots of love Gillian
It's gorgeous! You choose such beautifully textured things, and they all turn out so perfectly. How on earth do you manage it?
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