Pattern: Cable from Sublime
Size: 6-7 years
Started: 2009 Finished: March 13
Yarn: Smoothie DK mint green, instead of Sublime cotton, 4.1 (100 gm) balls
I absolutely love this pattern. It turned out so nicely but I havent been able to get Isabelle to model it for me yet. She has been too busy she tells me. Now I have to say that I am not someone who likes knitting bobbles, but I found this bobble creation quite easy and fast to knit. I must remember that technique if I ever have another pattern with bobbles, to save time and they look great too. I didnt use the sublime cotton as it was too expensive for me ($14.00 a ball) so the Smoothie DK was a much better alternative and was already in my stash. I only used a tiny bit of the 5th ball so it was great, costing all up about $20.00 so you cant go wrong with that. I am hoping that Isabelle will wear this one a lot during winter, and hopefully not get any chocolate stains on it. She has had a habit lately of getting paint or food marks on her clothes that just wont come out no matter how hard I try which is quite frustrating as she only usually wears it once before it happens. Now some of those items of clothing are yard clothes, but I am hoping this wont become one of them. I am hoping to knit up something wonderful next so I am off to look through my new Sirdar book which has so many beautiful patterns in it, it makes me happy just looking through it.
I always avoud/omit bobbles! Simply I get nervour when have to knit them, plus I have feeling like I am wasting my knitting time!
Sweater turned out great!
Ooh very pretty! That green is one of my favourite colours at the moment too :)
This is so sweet! You really do knit such pretty sweaters :)
It's beautiful! I love how bobbles look, but I don't like making them either. I made a Rowan sweater jacket with lots of bobbles and I thought I was going to go crazy :)
A lovely jacket for a lovely young lady. Is it still too warm to wear? Maybe she could not face wearing something cozy.
If I have clothes with stains that don't come out, I leave them out in the sun or facing the brightest daylight. Tomato stains sometimes take two days to go. I first used this method on baby clothes. So far almost all stains are gone. It can take days if the sun doesn't show.
What an adorable sweater! I love it. Beautiful work!
The bobbles combined with the cables makes for a very cool effect. And what a pretty color!
This is so sweet! I know what you mean, Gwenyth seems to stain all of her nice clothes, so frustrating. :o)
It's absolutely beautiful. I can't believe you knit all those bobbles. Reminds me of a sweater I made about 20 years ago.
wow! Beautfiul! I love the bobbles, but have never tried to make them. They scare me!
The cardigan is lovely & I like the cables. I don't like knitting bobbles as they are too much work but you did a great job.
How lovely!!
Beautifully knit. :)
I LOVE your sweater Sue! The colour, the bobbles - awesome! Your daughter should be thrilled; it is so beautiful.
Very interesting knit. I usually avoid bobbles!
Care to join the "Winter of Textured Knits" KAL? You can knit anything you like in whatever yarn you like, as long as the finished knit is textured [excluding lace]. Consider this your personal invitation!
Gorgeous sweater. Your knitting is always beautifully done.
Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your lovely comments about my Miss Molly and my dog applique.
You are a very clever lass - look at that cardie you have knitted! Wow. As you may have read, I am trying to learn how to knit. My first offering to the knitting gods will be blogged about soon. Its shameful, it really is.
Will drop by again to see your gorgeous work.
Another gorgeous creation. You are such an inspiration. If I ever get my oppurtunity to see down under, I am definitely stopping by for a first hand look and touch of all those knitted items!!!LOL
As for markers and stuff, my Katie looks like she has been in a food/marker war somedays upon returning from school. I can never get all of it out. I did learn hairspray will get off pens and markers on many fabrics.
What a lovely knit! I am not a fan of knitting bobbles myself but yours look beautiful.
That is really cute!
Eeeek! I love it -- it's just beautiful!
so sweet - love the color!
I love this sweater pattern. Your project turned out so nice.
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