I just finished sewing up this wonderful pencil holder which was designed by my sister's friend Jessica. Pop on over and take a look at the other wonderful things she makes too as she has just opened up an etsy store. Isabelle picked out the colors with a little help from me, and yes had to put extra large pencils in the holder (we have now put normal sized ones in) and I love it. Nice and bright and beautiful. It was nice being a tester for something. I might just make one for my niece now for her birthday in November.
Other news, I have just started some work for a lady who sells dolls in knitted clothes so I am knitting up some of them for her and being paid too. We will see how it all goes. Mum is excited too as she is knitting some as well. I will have to try and put a few hours aside for my own projects too. Friends of ours had a baby girl on Monday (yes the one I hadnt finished the blanket for) but not to worry will quickly knit something up for her very soon. Welcome to the world baby Chelsea. Now back to some knitting and looking after the kids. My niece stayed last night and I have my nephew over tonight. He and Lachlan are going to be making pizza muffins for dinner tonight so it should be great. Happy knitting and sewing!
Gorgeous pencil roll Sue and congrats on the new job!!! You're an amazing knitter and I'm sure the dolls will look just perfect in your hand knitted garments...
Take Care
Jodie :)
Catching up on your posts - great quilt by your sister and this pencil roll is very cute!
I'm thinking the pencil rolls would be great holders for storing dpns!
Such a sweet pencil roll! I've been meaning to sew a few of these up, perhaps I should get to it. :o)
Congrats on the new job!
Great color choice for the pencil roll!
Love Isabelle's choise of coloures!Pencilecase is great! I would love to sew one for my kids - but they will probably missplaced it very soon! But I could sew one for me, me, me - great idea!
And one thing is also great - being payed for your knitting!
Lovely pencil rolls - I made those for all of my boys and they're still going strong!
Thanks for your offer to look for the mariner yarn for me! Did you have any luck??
The button looks great!!! Thanks for adding it...
Take Care
Jodie :)
lovely little pencil holder. that's great about the doll clothes, nice that you'll get paid for doing what you enjoy!
Aren't you a clever lady and you don't just knit. I love checking out your blog.
Hugs, Liz
Hi sue, wanted to email you about the spun yarn but you didn't leave an addy! You should be able to just hit reply on this one or use the email button on my blog profile.
i like the pencil holder.. keep things more organized and easy to find.
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