Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 - FO NO 46

Pattern:  Ski Beanie from Son of Stitch & Bitch by Debbie Stoller
Yarn:  8 ply yarn from Spotlight, 1 gray and a bit of red
Started:  23rd December 2010 and finished same day
Knit for my sister's partner but apparently he doesnt wear hats so my sister has another beanie to wear in the cold weather (note to self:  Do not do handknits for Glen)!!

This was the only photo I managed to take on Christmas Day as I was so busy!  We had a lovely lunch with roast beef and pork cooked on the spit, and then roast chicken and some vegetables.  We then had pudding, pavlova and trifle for dessert.  By that time it was about 3:30 and everyone was full and tired.  I didnt stop until a bit later tidying up after the guests had gone home and clearing out cardboard boxes into the garage.  I received some lovely presents, some knitting books, a new iron, a beautiful Tiffany lamp from my sister which I will have to show you all later on when I remember to take a picture of it and a box of chocolates.  I have been spending the last few days tidying up some crafty spots in my house so not all the couches are covered with knitting and have been sitting in my study listening to episodes of the Knitmore Girls podcast.  Wonderful to listen to all the episodes as they have about 140 or close to that so I started back from the first few issues and have been knitting away listening to them.  I even managed to do all my ironing today whilst listening to them so more knitting time for me.  I have about 4 things to sew up so I can post them before 2010 is finished and can add them to my FO list!  I hope you are all enjoying some time off and getting some things done for the end of the year too.


Alison said...

Phew! Sounds like a you had a lovely day. We also had the same desserts, talk about full.

You might be able to add some highlights with Picasa to your lighten your photo.

Oiyi said...

Sounds like a lovely holiday, Sue. You have 4 more things to add to your 2010 FO list? You are amazing!