This picture is of course Miss Isabelle's bedroom which I love. She has so many things though so it always looks busy. All her little friends that pop over to play always close the door and watch dvd's and play games in there. I am sure she will miss it and has been a litte upset and worried that her next room wont be as nice.
The rumpus room. This is the most used room in the house where everyone sits by the end of the night. It is at the end of the house so is usually quiet apart from the tv or the music being on.
This is the family room opposite the kitchen bench in the above photo. Yes it looks big and it is. People always get a surprise as our house looks quite small from the outside and then they walk in and see this. I have to say that our house is so big and airy I am going to miss all the space.
Our front room which is one of my absolute favourites. The box table is where I normally take my photos. You can sit and watch all the goings on in the street from here too and what those dastardly kitties are up to as well.
I am hoping that it doesnt take too long to sell as I am at the stage where I just want to get settled and start living our lives again in a more promising way.
For those of you who dont really know why we are selling our beloved home, well we got into a very bad financial situation. We have since found out in the last week that the company who came to us are under financial investigation and have done this to many other people. The company who we have the loan with are one of the worst you can have, and other banks wont touch you for about 12 months. We also found out that the people who organised it lied to us about our credit ratings, and no we dont have bad credit but because of this mortgage and Paul working for himself, it would be hard to get someone to take us on at the moment. So as you can see we are very heartbroken and angry with the firm who got us into this mess in the first place. Sadly we would probably have owned half the house by now if it wasnt for them, but we hope one day down the track things will be sorted about that. I am just waiting for the real estate agent to pop around and take some pictures of our house for us, and then I shall be busy packing up some more things. I cleaned the garage out yesterday with my girlfriend and we took about 2 hours to do it. I felt exhausted afterwards but is much easier to do those things when the kids and Paul are out of the house. I will let you all know how things are going when I know what is happening.
I have still been knitting but I havent really got anything to show for it at the moment. I actually tidied up a lot of wool and packed it away. I also packed away some unfinished UFO's and I am sure once we move I can pull them out and be excited to finish them off. Just thinking of having to pack away all those knitting books gives me a slight headache though. Paul thought I could sell all my wool and books and it would probably pay the mortgage off. How funny is he, not!!!!
The front room is lovely and I can see why it was your favorite room. I hope that you like the family that buys it so that you will feel better knowing it will be loved by the new owner too.
I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I wish there was an easy cure for feeling sad and angry but generally it just takes time and processing of the emotions. Do check if there are any laws (civil or criminal) that might have broken which may allow you some measure of recourse or justice.
Your house looks lovely and I hope you get a really good price for it. Fingers crossed that you sell quickly and are able to start again. Moving and selling is hard work and I wish you loads of strength.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I hope things turn around quickly for you and your family. Take care.
This is such a spacey home! So sad you have to leave it - somehow I still hope it is only a bad dream!
Sue, I'm quite sure that wherever you move to, big or small, you'll have it feeling like home in no time.
I shouldn't think your current house will be on the market for too long either as it looks so lovely.
Your house is just beautiful! You've really done a good job with it. I'm so sorry that you have to leave it. I know it must be hard. I will keep you all in my thoughts, and fingers crossed that your next home is just as lovely.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that financial crap. Amazing what people will do for a profit in the corporate world. I hope it all comes back on them in the end and you get some recourse. Your house is lovely, but it's the things in it that make it so - I hope it sells and you create a new space you love just as much.
Your home is wonderful. I hope you are able to sell it quickly and for the price that you want. Best wishes!
So sorry to hear about the need to sell. But I do have to say, this kind of post is just why I love blogging. Here I sit 1/2 a world away and I can see what the inside of a house in AU looks like. I find that so fun and fascinating!!!
Your house looks so comfy and inviting, I'm sure you won't have a hard time selling it...and perhaps, you'll love your next house even more. I'm sorry to hear about that horrible always amazes me what people will do to each other, but I am a firm believer in "what comes around, goes around". Hang in have your family and your health, a house is just a house, it's you and your that make it a home!
You have done a great job tidying up the house & I am sure it will sell. Good luck!
good luck with everything and of course you can't sell the wool and books!!
What a lovely house. I can see why you are sad. But I am sure that one day things will work out for you and you will find a even more lovely house. Wihing you all the best.
I am so sorry to hear you are going through this.
I tend to believe everything happens for a reason, even when that reason isn't terribly clear at the time. So I'm really wishing that silver lining reveals itself for you soon.
Dearest Sue, so sorry to hear that you have to sell your lovely house. I loved my lttle place in BM too and I have missed it. After two years I'm about to buy a little cottage here in UK. I'm so happy and I know that you will be too, one day soon. Love for now Gillian
oh sue I love your house. I actually took photos of my house last week when it was looking spotless before a morning tea to post so you've inspired me to put them up. Nothing like showing off your house when its spic n span
I'm so sorry you have to sell up but I'm sure you'll have a lot less worries and quality time.
oh and aren't men funny...ha ha ha..what if we worked out how much they spent on beer....not so funny anymore!!!
thinking of you,
ps i love your front room...I can see myself curled up with my knitting and a cup of coffee and a cupcake or two!
there is something so great about looking around someone's home, thank you for sharing and I know feel the need to re look at my home, My you have great style....
you have such a beautiful house
I hope with how roomy and spacious and beautiful it is you get a great price for it.
This really suck for a lot of people at the moment financially.
I know its not much..But many of us are here for you and sending you best wishes.
I hope you are OK Sue! Take one day at a time and you and those around you who you love and love you will get through it together. I hope the sale comes quickly and at a price that what you are hoping for!
As I am typing my comment I can see a very cool looking blue and white wooly number that reinds me of a cob of corn - great texture!!!!
How disheartening for you. I am so sorry! Sending lovely thoughts your way.
I am so sorry. It's a lovely home.
You have a lovely home. I am so sorry that you have to sell and start anew. I hope you and your family the best during this difficult time.
Take care.
Your house is lovely sue!!! I'm sure you'll miss it especially seen as you you built it yourself but like you said one day in the future you'll be able to do it all again... Be strong, you're in my thoughts...
Jodie ^_^
Sue - hugs
I cans ee why you love this house so much and will be so sad to leave. Lets hope that you will be able to find peace somewhere soon and start again when things calm down. I am angry for you that this company has done it to so many people.
Hugs for Isabelle as well. Lets hope that she will love her new little space just as much - her furniture if divine and will look just as great in another house.
LOL to DH's comments - I think that my DH thinks the same thing.
Oh Sue my heart breaks for you, these are such difficult times. Your house looks gorgeous and I very much hope that you get a quick sale and that the future brings you security and good things.
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