Little Cherry Beret & Pink Millie Cardie |
Little Cherry Coat & Little Cherry Beret |
Little Drummer Coat and Helmet |
Clark Cable Cardie |
Little Cherry Cardie |
Snugg Boots |
I have been purchasing a few new knitting books lately and thought I would give you a sneak peek of some of my faves out of certain books. Since I have quite a few friends and my SIL expecting over the next few months I thought I would update my baby collection of patterns. These one are so gorgeous I just couldnt resist! This little book is No. 628 just full of wonderful patterns and there are one or two others which are very cute too but I thought for now that this blog post has enough pics. I am hoping that by the end of the weekend I can post another book full of wonderful pics too. I order my sublime books from
http://www.englishyarns.co.uk/ The price is so much better and I can get 3 books for the price of one and a half here. Normally these books sell for around $35.00 here and I think I paid about $59.00 for 3 sublime books which was a much better price. Sometimes I wish things in Oz were cheaper so I could buy them from here!
Tomorrow will be super busy as Isabelle is doing her dancing medals which I am so happy about as I couldnt even get her to go so had to be super sneaky last night and just turn up! She has a new red plaster cast now and is so much happier and it is so much lighter! We spent 2 hours at the hospital yesterday having x-rays and chats with the doctor and because she was having trouble moving her thumb and the plaster was a bit ridged inside they decided to give her a new one and she got to have red which was much nicer than the blue! I am sure after tonight it will be filled with writing from her dancing friends.
I am hoping tonight to do some Father's Day shopping too which is on Sunday and fingers crossed I can also find some buttons for 2 of those UFO's I posted about the other day. I havent even touched them since I photographed them so I best get them finished hadnt I. I hope to all of you who celebrate Father's Day on Sunday that you have a wonderful happy day celebrated with people you love!
That's such a bargain for the books. All books are so expensive here, I buy lots from overseas. There are some lovely patterns too. Happy new Red Plaster!!!
I love the Sublime baby models, they always look so angelic. Love that first pattern.
I thought you had Fathers Day and Mothers Day the same time as us in the US!
Those patterns are so cute -- I especially love the little drummer coat and hat. Good Luck to Isabelle -- and I hope her arm heals up quickly!
I love the Sublime books ~ I'm sure you will make some beautiful gifts!
Good luck finding the perfect buttons to finish your UFOs :)
Glad to hear she's feeling better and having fun to look forward to. Looks like you are too with all the new knitting patterns!
Isabelle must be feeling better if she's going dancing tonight. I'm so pleased to hear it. I'm happy to hear she has a lighter cast on it too. Must make such a difference. The pattern book looks gorgeous, lucky you having the twins to knit for and look forward to. Have a great weekend and happy Fathers' day to your Paul.
good score on the book front! so glad to hear about the red cast, much more tolerable. and groovy.
It has great designs. I got it many months ago, but haven't made anything with it yet.
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